Custom House of Minang Kabau
Whereas in
fact the Minangkabau society has since long inherited a democratic
system as well as a democratic culture which can’t be found anywhere in
the other regions. Consequently, the custom which has prevailed in the
community for centuries has been marginalized. The strong influence of
the matriarchal system has largely diminished. The institution of
“ninik-mamak” has nearly lost its function. Instead, everyone is
inclined to gauge everything in term personal wealth. Gone are the
strong and entrenched traditions. It is something to be regretted
“Very fortunately,
the NAGARI system has never disappeared from the life of the Minangkabau
society”, explained Agusman, former principal of the elementary school
in Solok. Nevertheless, agusman felt that something is “missing” at the
time the (uniform) rural government was introduced in West Sumatra. In
this system, he added, a nephew is no longer obliged to ask for advice
and permission from the “Ninik-Mamak” in relation to the inheritance. In
so far as one has obtained permission from the Village Chief, one may
do whatever one wishes to do with it. “Ninik-Mamak” seems to have lost
its influence in the eyes of its community. Consequently, the relation
between the uncle and his nephew has changed into something without
meaning. On the other hand, in the Nagari system, such a thing could
never happen. “Ninik-Mamak” has the power and the authority to arrange
for the distribution of the inheritance in a just and fair manner, as
well as the rights and responsibilities. And is so far as the
consideration is based upon the majority view of the community, the
decision will be supported and obeyed.
The law number 5/1979 has transformed the Nagari system into a village
system. And at the same time, this new enforced system has kept he
custom of the Minangkabau society to a chain. In essence, this custom is
imbued by the philosophy of the Minangkabau people that “adat basandi
syarak, syarak basandi kitbullah. Syarak mangato, adat mamakai, alam
takambang jadi guru” ( Custom is based on law, and law is based on
Quran. Law rules, custom uses and cosmos is the teacher). For the people
of Minangkabau it has a deep-rooted meaning and has become a guidance
for the life of every individual. So far this philosophy hasn’t been
found in the social life as well as the regional system any where in
Indonesia. This system is said to be only existing one in the whole
Since the beginning of
this year 2001, with the enforcement of the low on the Regional
Autonomy, the West Sumatra government has reintroduced the system of
Nagari through a regional act. It has been enacted though Regional Act
Number 9/2000 on the basic rule of the Nagari system of Government dated
December 6, 2000. Apart from its possibility based on the Law Number
22/1999, this system is considered to be most suitable for the people of
Minangkabau. The system is deeply rooted and entrenched in the life of
the Minangkabau community. It has also proven to be effective in
upholding rules, ethics and law as well as the existing social value in
the Minangkabau community. Moreover, the people of Minangkabau is known
for its democratic way of life, so that the implementation of the
autonomy will run smoothly. The system of the Nagari rule is inherited
since fore the life of the entire Minangkabau society.
The philosophy mentioned earlier is not only written on paper. Rather
it has become the soul and spirit of nearly all Minangkabau people,
irrespective whether they remain in their villages or they go abroad to
earn their living. The philosophy contains guidance of one’s behavior,
personal properties, responsibilities as well as fraternal relations
among the people. It also influences the way or life, vision and ideals
of the Minangkabau people. Above all, the philosophy serves as a binding
element for the family life of the people and to encourage them to lead
an independent life, to be creative and active, to enrich them with
knowledge, and to assume responsibility and face the risk whenever
When the Law
Number 5 / 1979 was enacted, the number of the Nagari in West Sumatra
province amounted to 543. But when it was changed into the village
system (similar to the other regions in Indonesia) the total number of
the village has increased to 3133. This is particularly true since one
Nagari includes several villages. It was said that the increase was due
to the need more development aid allocation for West Sumatra province.
If based on the number of Nagari’s, the allocated amount received by
each village was about one million rupiah only, at the end of last
budged prior to the enactment of the Law on the Regional Autonomy, the
allocation of aid has reached 20 million rupiah per village.
Unfortunately, it failed to bring real change in the villages in West